Call Centers Quality Assurance
Voice Analysis for quality assurance and customer relationship management
QA7 is a Software-Development-Kit (SDK) for Emotion Detection that utilizes Nemesysco’s advanced voice analysis technology to detect and measure anger, stress and other relevant emotions that may arise in call center conversations. It is designed as a set of components that can be integrated into an existing call center solution to monitor agent-customer interactions and identify calls that may require special attention or intervention.
QA7 can analyze all ongoing calls in real-time and alert managers when problematic call events occur. Additionally, QA7 can be used on archived calls (offline, Post-Processing-Server) to identify patterns of interaction within calls and evaluate specific aspects of customer service quality, as well as provide insights about customers’ preferences, likes and dislikes.
QA7 SDK includes Nemesysco’s LioNet™ engine, an advanced learning system component which provides the ability to automatically tag archived conversations according to criteria defined by the contact center’s managers and policies (i.e., “Problematic,” “Successful,” etc.).

QA7 will start producing emotional readings right away, and there is normally no need for tuning and dictionary settings – As the emotional states are universal, QA7 is language-agnostic!
It identifies the emotional components without relying on spoken words or even expressed tonality.
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