Layered Voice Analysis Technologies

Our Goal

To reveal truth everywhere we can, in a world of fraud and deception.

Our Mission

To provide the highest level of professional sales, implementation, training and support, of all Layered Voice Analysis (LVA) solutions developed by Nemesysco Ltd, to our customers, with integrity, attention to detail, quality and excellence.

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower as many customers as we can with the ability to determine the truth wherever they employ our Layered Voice Analysis technology.

World Partners

Years of Technology in Use

Satisfied Clients

Corporate Information

Veremetrix, based in Wisconsin, is the US Partner to Nemesysco Ltd, headquartered in Israel. We market, sell and implement Nemesysco’s voice analysis technologies and solutions powered by the “Layered Voice Analysis” (LVA™) patented technology.

Our solutions address varying needs of the security, corporate and financial markets, which allows organizations to enhance crime detection and prevention, expedite investigations, secure checkpoints, identify and fight fraud and deception more effectively.

Nemesysco is a privately held company based in Israel, dedicated to the advancement of voice analysis technologies, serving its customers through a network of partners located in more than 50 centers around the world.

Based in Wisconsin

Headquartered in Israel

Crime detection and Prevention

Privately Held Company

Voice Analysis Technology

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